Why Welsh?
The Welsh Way
Welsh farmers are famous all over the world for producing distinctive, world-class tasting lamb and beef. The non-intensive environment in which livestock are reared develops succulent, sweet and tender meat. For centuries, livestock have thrived on the natural grassland available all year round, in one of he most unspoilt corners of the world.
Superior Taste
Wales’ unique climate and fertile landscape provide the perfect environment for rearing meat of superior quality and taste. Learn more about the taste credentials of Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef by clicking below.
In Wales, beef and lamb is raised overwhelmingly through non-intensive farming which relies on abundant grass and rainfall rather than energy-intensive imported feed– making Wales one of the most sustainable places on Earth to produce red meat. Learn more about the sustainability credentials of Welsh red meat below.
Health and Nutrition
Naturally rich in protein, iron, potassium, zine, B vitamins, vitamin D and Omega 3 – Welsh red meat is a beneficial choice as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Learn more about the health and nutritional benefits of Welsh red meat below.
PGI & GI Status
PGI and UK GI standards ensure that Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef, its environment and traditions are all unique and protected. This recognition ultimately allows consumers to have confidence in the supply chain and to associate with the specific character of the products. Full traceability isn’t just a claim; it’s an assurance when supplying PGI Welsh Lamb and PGI Welsh Beef.
HCC Support
When you choose to stock Welsh brands, you will also benefit from a whole host of support from Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC). HCC is the industry led organisation responsible for the development, promotion and marketing of Welsh red meat, and as such, can work with you to support in these areas. Learn more about the support that HCC are able to offer below.